Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Pur gum and mints sent me products for my honest review

Pür gum sent me 1 pack of gum and a pack of mints for free to try their product for my blog with an honest review

Pür gum sent me a pack of pur cool mint gum and a pack of tangerine pur mints. I really enjoyed these 2 packs unfortunately the gum did not last very long in flavor. But my breath and mouth still tasted fresh after the flavor went away. The tangerine tango mint is not to sweet and its very tasty it melts quit easily in your mouth doesn't last too long but it is still good and it actually tastes like a real tangerine. Most sugar free products usually leave a bad after taste and pür gum is one of the little sugar free companies out there that the products doesn't leave a nasty taste in your mouth after your done chewing it.


Their online shop to purchase:

to buy off amazon: ?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=pur+gum

Fb is

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing blog,i never had seen earlier this type of article which contain lots of important information...
    PUR Gum
